Technology Electives
For students interested in computer science, engineering or video production, Desert Shadows offers electives to help you expand your knowledge.
Computer Science
Exploring Computer Science 1 (SEM)
Exploring Computer Science 1 (ECS1) introduces students to algorithms and coding. Students will be introduced to the creative nature of computing while developing coding skills using animated stories and video games. They will also work to solve a Rubik's Cube using algorithms. During ECS1 students will also learn ways to become more proficient with productivity tools. In addition, students will be introduced to cybersecurity and learn ways to stay safe and computer virus free. Finally, students will learn strategies to determine the reliability and accuracy of the online content they are inundated with every day.
Exploring Computer Science 2 (SEM)
Exploring Computer Science 2 expands upon what students learned in ECS1. Students will continue to expand their knowledge of computer science through web design and app development. Students will learn about the design process before learning to create a webpage using HTML. Students will also have the opportunity to create an app while learning JavaScript.
ECS1 is a prerequisite for ECS2.
Principles of Engineering (SEM)
Students will find their natural curiosity and imagination engaged in creative problem solving through computer aided design (C.A.D.) and robotics. Students will apply the design process to solve problems and understand the influence of creativity and innovation on their lives.
Video Production
Video Production (SEM)
Students will write, tape, edit and broadcast the daily DSMS news. Students create a daily multimedia presentation using broadcasting and editing software. Students must complete an application and an interview with our media specialist.