Desert Harmony
Desert Harmony is the advanced mixed chorus at Desert Shadows Middle School. Admission is open following a successful vocal audition and admission into the Desert Shadows Middle School Academies of Choir. Students primarily perform two, three, or four-part choral literature from the medieval through contemporary musical periods. Students perform in two or three major concerts per year along with special performances for the community throughout the year. Advanced skills in musicianship are stressed including vocal training, music theory and history, and sight-reading skills. Desert Harmony received a first place gold award at the 2017 and 2018 Heritage Music Festival in Anaheim, California, and a first place award at the 2016-2019 Forum Festival in Los Angeles.
Vocal audition and application submission are required for acceptance.
Bravo is an ensemble specializing in Musical Theatre Literature. Students will study and perform a variety of musical theatre selections. These performances will consist of extensive vocal work and choreography. Students perform in two to three major concerts per year along with special performances for the community throughout the year. Advanced skills in musicianship are stressed including vocal and dance training, music theory, history, and sight-reading skills.
Vocal audition, dance audition, and application submission are required for acceptance.
Academy Application Documents (2024-25)
Application deadline is Friday, December 15, 2023.
In addition to the application, be sure to include all supporting documentation found the the bottom of this page.
Vocal Music Academy Application
Vocal Music Academy Information
Vocal Music Academy Audition Music (My County, 'Tis of Thee)